Sonntag, 16. Juni 2013

Obed & Evans Storys

Ich habe die ghanaische junior Version der Gebrüder Grimm entdeckt! Obed und Evans (11) sind Zwillinge und unsere Nachbarn. Als ich mich eines Nachmittags unter den Mango Baum vor unserem Haus setzen wollte um selbst eine Geschichte zu schreiben, kamen die beiden an und fragten was ich da mache. Und so fing das ganze an; sie begannen mir ihre Geschichten zu erzählen und ich schrieb sie auf.
Hier will ich mal zwei dieser Geschichten mit euch teilen.
(Wenn ihr zum Teil den Sinn nicht versteht, fragt mich nicht, ich versteh ihn auch nicht...)

Hier die erste Geschichte, so wie Obed sie aufgeschrieben hat:

„Once upon A time they was mosquito and mouse. One day mosquito said my frind mouse les buld a house. And mosquito siad no my frind I have a hol and mosquito siad you have your hol I will buld my own house and mosquito buld her house. One day a rain rain and eanter in mouse hol disterps mouse and mouse go out in his hol and go to mosquito house and said. Kokoko. And mosquito opens the door and mouse eanter and siad it shout rain on your bed and mosquito said bad man I tell you that we shout buld a house and you say no thanks wy it your frind said you shout do anything you do.“

Die zweite Geschichte von Evans hab ich mal so gut es geht ins Verständliche übersetzt:

„Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl called Dammiipi and boys loves her too much. The girl went to the bush and crocodiles catched her and the boys came. They were five. The boys were fighting: „This is my wife!“ „Let us go in the water and kill the crocodiles!“. So they went inside the water and the crocodiles catched the one who said, Dammiipi is his wife. And another crocodile catched the one who said they should go in the water. The crocodile took the boy inside his hole and gave him to his children to eat. But the boy killed one of them so all of the crocodiles went out of the hole and the boy also got out and ran away. Some man came and saw blood marks on the way going. He followed the marks and came to some place where it was very cool and he just shifed and went to his left hand side and saw the guy. He too the guy to his home and gave him medicine. The guy swallowed the medicine and went home. He killed a very big cow and gave it to the man. Then he went to the water side and killed all the crocodiles.“

Die zwei Autoren: Obed (links/rechts) und Evans (links/rechts) (?)

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